Ásthildur Elva Bernharðsdóttir

Ásthildur Elva Bernharðsdóttir

Ásthildur Elva is an associate professor and leads a new line of study in safety and civil defence with the University of Bifrost. Ásthildur also leads the master study in crisis management with the department of social science at Bifrost University. For years she has specialized in matters concerning safety and crisis management.

12 October 2024 15:00 - 15:45

Introduction of a new course in Safety and Civil defence with the University at Bifrost.

Academic background of the safety concept is introduced in this course, at the same time putting the concept into global persceptiv as well as in perspective to the Icelandic society, it's history, politics, culture and legislature. , menningu og lagaumhverfi.

Dominant threats in society are at the forefront in this course and reaction to them. The course also addresses the infrastructure, resources and regulation that strengthen defense against any threats as well as addressing those people that are called upon by Civil defence to deal with those threats.

The lecture will focus on how this field of study is useful in the work of first responders.