Daniel Grace

Daniel Grace

Daniel is a portfolio GP based in South Wales with a special interest in expedition medicine, medical education, travel medicine and pre-hospital emergency medicine (PHEM). He holds both the International Diploma in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine, from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.

He is also a Member of the Faculty of Travel Medicine at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society in London.

He has worked to provide medical cover at multiple endurance events and charity challenges both in the UK and overseas, including the tea plantations of Kenya, the Great Wall of China, and the deserts of Jordan. He has supported athletes as they completed the world’s coldest ultramarathon in the frozen Canadian arctic, and has worked as part of the medical team for a major television series on a remote island in the Pacific.

He has also worked on youth development expeditions with British Exploring in the Canadian Yukon and the Scottish Highlands, and enjoys empowering people of all ages to fulfil their potential in the outdoors.

He also volunteers as an enhanced care BASICS doctor, as part of Medserve Wales, and he has recently joined Brecon Mountain Rescue Team as a trainee member. He is an advanced life support instructor and regularly teaches on wilderness medicine courses all over the world. He is also proud to be the medical director for the UKs leading telemedicine charity, the Virtual Doctors, which connects remote healthcare workers in Zambia and Malawi with volunteer clinicians to improve patient access and empower rural communities.

13 October 2024 09:30 - 10:15
Silfurberg A

This lecture explores human factors, looking at systems, people, teams, communication and how these can be optimised. It also explore incivility and psychological safety and looks at how we can reframe stressors and improve how we function in emergency scenarios.